divisorCountTable (約数の個数のテーブル, $O(N \log N)$)
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#pragma once
#include <vector>
* @brief divisorCountTable (約数の個数のテーブル, $O(N \log N)$)
* cnt[i] = i の約数の個数; 範囲は閉区間 [0, N]
std::vector<int> divisorCountTable(int N) {
std::vector<int> cnt(N + 1);
for (int d = 1; d <= N; ++d) {
for (int i = d; i <= N; i += d) ++cnt[i];
return cnt;
#line 2 "Math/Number-Theory/divisor-count-table.hpp"
#include <vector>
* @brief divisorCountTable (約数の個数のテーブル, $O(N \log N)$)
* cnt[i] = i の約数の個数; 範囲は閉区間 [0, N]
std::vector<int> divisorCountTable(int N) {
std::vector<int> cnt(N + 1);
for (int d = 1; d <= N; ++d) {
for (int i = d; i <= N; i += d) ++cnt[i];
return cnt;
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